Quick Calculations
- This skill is very important in 3 things:
- Mana cost
Estimating damage output
Estimating cool downs
- Being quick in calculations give you a lot of advantage and safety. Knowing if your mana pool will be enough to execute your combo won't get you in trouble and shout "F*ck! I ran out of Mana!" *, and then die. Be sure to be quick in calculations because one split unguarded moment can cause you to lose the battle. Damage output should also be considered to know how quick you can kill a hero or if it possible to kill certain heroes with your number. You shouldn't just go into battle without having the clash play in your mind. Cool downs are also important specially if your opponents have deadly ultimate skills. Use the long cool down of opponent's skills to your advantage. You can either initiate a clash or push if their skills aren't available. Doing more calculations than your opponents will give you huge advantages.
Quick Hands
- This skill is important in 3 things:
- Animation Cancelling
Doing Combos and Micros
Clicking heroes that are hard to click
- Animation cancelling is important in playing DotA. There are a lot of heroes that have spells that have prolonged animations. You should cancel them to not waste time. Animation cancelling is also important in harassing heroes. You can move either forward or backward instead of waiting for the attack animation to stop. In this way you can harass more or be evading more damage. Combos require timing and shouldn't be interrupted by just having slow hands. Micro-ing is the term used to describe controlling more units which also requires quick hands. Heroes that are hard to click, like Venomancer, is also countered by having quick hands. You can search for the small icon of the hero in shorter period to be able to hit him thus not letting him escape just because he cannot be clicked.
Quick Plans
- Planning is essential in DotA as it is in war fares. As soon as the drafting starts until the game ends, several plans should be made. The team who came out to have great plans quicker would surely win.
Plan 4 steps ahead:
- 1st step: What you're going to do
2nd step: How your opponents will react
3rd step: What will be your response to their actions
4th step: Know who will have the advantage after
Quick Eyes
- This skill is very important in 5 things:
- Map awareness
Finding target
Distance from team mates
Number of opponents
Spells used
- Map awareness is very important. You shouldn't be prone to gank; you should know if your team mates need you, you should know where opponents are to kill or to be avoided, etc. Finding target in a clash is important. You shouldn't just cast all your spells on a hero you see. Pro players expect the back up. Reserve your spells for better uses. Distance from team mates should be considered.
Quick Reaction
- This skill is important in 5 things:
- Dodging skills
Knowing escape Routes
Picking targets
Knowing when to fight and when not to fight
Countering attacks
- DotA is a read and react game. You see the situation, and then you give your reaction. Winning or losing depends greatly on how many good or bad calls you've made and these are called your reactions. Knowing at once what are the best decisions in almost every situation and executing them perfectly will surely make you is skilled and fearsome player. You just have to watch carefully, analyze critically and practice seriously.
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